Saturday 1 December 2012

USA made frame now available

Hello Everyone,
Great news, at long last I am able to offer my USA made frames for sale.
The price is $US360.00, the first 20 frames will be offered at the special price of $US340.00
The USA frame is available with shipping included to the USA only, customers in other areas will need to contact me for a freight quote.
My eCommerce is not ready yet so I will send an invoice with PayPal as the payment method.
Please remind me if you have contacted me before.
Happy Quilting,

Saturday 27 October 2012

New "USA Customer" page on Website.

Hello Quilters,

Well the USA frame should be available soon, I am just waiting on a sample for a connector variation before I finalize the arrangements.

My friend Sue worked on my Website on Friday and added a new page as a lead up to a Shopping Cart facility  for customers in the USA. You may like to read it for the latest news.

I have sent out some personalized emails to USA customers who have previously made inquiries, but I think I may have miss-filed some contacts or lost some when the "POP" folder was added to my email account. Please contact me again if I haven't contacted you.

I am putting a quilt together soon for one of my prospective customers, so she can see how the frame works, permission has been given for me to put a photo on the blog, so keep an eye out for that.

Unfortunately I will need to raise my prices in the New Year as I dropped them too far to be sustainable in the long run. So if you have been thinking about getting a frame now is a good time, get in before the price rise! 

 I will be adding the ability to purchase the frame with a paper pattern for the Fabric Pinning Panels at a price lower to the frame with the panels, this will give those of you that have a  stash of general fabrics the opportunity to utilize some of it, or give you a reason to go out and buy more fabric (any excuse to buy fabric is a good excuse I always say) Also I have been asked a lot if I can provide other colours, but when you buy 50 meters of fabric at a time there is little incentive to buy a variety of colours, so  those customers can now have a wonderful time choosing the colour for their own frame.

Must go, have to be up early tomorrow.

Happy Quilting,


Monday 27 August 2012

An Ellie has a new home in New Zealand

Hi Everyone,

I have been laid low the last couple of weeks with a cold.
I started to feel the effects of it towards the end of my time in Perth when I went to demonstrate Millie at the WA Craft Show which was held at the Claremont Show-grounds.

 By the way I sold (at the show) the three frames I sent over to test the packaging, I have not done this previously as I thought my customers would not want to carry the frame about at the show, how wrong was I? They jumped at the opportunity! I could have sold a lot more if I had had them there.

So_ _ _ I will be going to demonstrate "Ellie" at the Australian Machine Quilting Festival (AMQF) in Adelaide at the end of September so I will take a few frames over with me, pop in and see Libbie and me and check out the show specials for "Ellie"

New Zealand:
 I am so happy after selling my first frame to New Zealand, I am waiting on feedback regarding freight etc.

The plans for making  some "Ellie" frames in the USA for the local market are going well, with me just about to pay for my first order.
I have had a great deal of interest expressed from the USA and am very pleased with the product I will be offering for sale there.
Due to a number of considerations the USA price will be different to the Australian price but it will hopefully be a lot cheaper to freight.
Also I am designing a special frame for a customer who is in a wheelchair, she has said she will be happy to give me some feedback on her experience with the frame after she has used it.

Have to go now.
Happy Quilting,

Friday 3 August 2012


Hi Everyone,
What exciting news Libbie and I are in Perth WA to demonstrate Millie at the craft show this weekend at the Claremont Show grounds, drop in and say hi and have a look at Mulberry Millie!
and all the other exhibitors, there is also a great Wood Work show on also.
See you there !

Tuesday 3 July 2012


Hi all,

 Yesterday- I had a lovely day, a prospective purchaser,  Marjorie, drove up from near Kenmore on Brisbane's South Western corner, to trial an Ellie.
As she had come so far (nearly an hour driving) I thought she might like to visit a local quilt fabric store, I took her to one of my favourites (East Coast Fabrics at Lawnton) If we had more time I would have liked to visit a few more local Quilt Shops (we have quite a few on Brisbane's Northside) but I had a frame to demonstrate!! So after a cuppa and toastie at a local Zarraffa's (coffee shop) we got down to pin basting her Queen Sized Quilt.
Marjorie was interested in an Ellie with an Extension so I put up my demo frame and off we went, we pin basted one half of the quilt and then unclamped it from the frame and tensioned the lower section for basting. As what sometimes happens when using any method to baste a quilt,  one corner of the quilt didn't  want to behave itself, so we undid a few pins, spoke nicely to the quilt, brushed our hands over the quilt top to smooth it out over the batting, looked at it from this way and that, a few more nice words and a cup of tea, a few more pins and what do you know? a fully basted quilt sandwich!
Marjorie took her pin basted quilt sandwich home along with her new Ellie and Extension.

Today - I spent about 3 hours updating my Instruction Manual and somehow or other while trying to include some photos of the Fabric Pinning Panel configurations managed to get the computer to "Quit" word without saving! I am so - -  I don't know what! that I cannot even think about getting back to it before I make another frame, organise my International Patents, pay some bills, have lunch, have dinner, watch some TV and have a good night's sleep.

August - Bye the way, I also have to finish organising a trip to Perth to Demonstrate Millie at the (Western Australian). WA. Craft Show at the Claremont Showgrounds  the  3rd, 4th and 5th of August 2012.

How about dropping in and saying hi?  If ordered beforehand I may be able to bring some frames over for purchase at the show to save on freight charges, see my Website to contact me to organise.
I do not usually sell at the shows as it takes away time from demonstrating. But Perth is a long way from Brisbane and if savings on freight can be made I will make an exception.
Happy Quilting,

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Millie - May on her way to Texas. (USA)

Hello Everyone,
Well exciting news (for me) this afternoon a Millie (May) was picked up by UPS freight company and is now on her way to San Antonio Texas! The lady who purchased her did not want to wait until I had finalised my arrangements to have the USA Ellies made and just had to have a frame now! 
That is the fourth frame I have sent to the USA, one has a home in Indiana, two in Iowa and this one in Texas.
Still no sales to the Northern Territory of Australia, though my last frame sold (yesterday) was to a lady in Queensland who lived in the Northern Territory for a number of years - that might have to do me for now!
Happy Quilting,

Friday 1 June 2012

eBay Sales

Hi Everyone,
I am progressing with my arrangements to have Millie (Ellie) made in the USA.
I am happy to report that I have had another sale to the USA, San Antonio Texas this time ( I think "San Antonio" has a lovely sound to it)
Today I have had an enquiry from Germany!
This week I have sold 5 frames: 3 frames to Victoria and 1 to Canberra - Australia and one to the USA.
Still no sale to the Northern Territory of Australia, are there no Quilters there?
I have listed a few frames on eBay au, I have tried adding a freight calculator to two of them, please let me know if you find it useful.
Don't forget I sell frames direct!!
If anyone wishes to use Visa I believe I can send a PayPal payment request and you can pay via that using your Visa, you do not have to be a PayPal member.
I will keep you up to date on the USA frames, once I have them organised I plan to do similar in the UK and New Zealand.
All the best, happy quilting.

Monday 21 May 2012

New Video.
Hi Everyone,
Here is a link to my new video showing you Millie dismantled for storage.
Happy Quilting,

Mad Quilter's Gathering 2012.

Hello again,
I had a good time at the Mad Quilter's Gathering, and have put my name down again for next year.
I did miss the company of my good friend Libbie, but as she has a full time job in Sydney there was not enough time for her to organise to come up to Brisbane maybe next year she will join me.
Still working on my plans to have Millie made in the USA for the local market.
Happy Quilting,

Thursday 10 May 2012

Hi Everyone,
This post is to let you know my great news.
I have been very lucky to get a spot in this weekend's "Mad Quilters Gathering" being held at the RNA Showground in Brisbane starting tomorrow (Friday 11th May) and going through to Sunday 13th May.
I will be at stand 55 so come and have a look at Millie if you are in Brisbane.
I have some great specials!
My focus in the future will be on my slightly smaller frame - Ellie, so I will be reducing the price on my remaining supplies of "May"
Due to purchasing some of my supplies in larger bulk numbers and changing my packaging I have been able to reduce Mulberry Millie's price further.
I have updated my price list.
Also!! I am in the negotiation phase of having "Millie" made in the USA for the local market, this will hopefully reduce the freight costs substantially. 
Happy Quilting.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Hello USA

Hello Everyone,
This is a very quick note to let my USA and Canadian readers know that I am in the process of arranging to have "Millie" made in the USA for purchasers in that area.
This should reduce the freight costs!!!
I will keep you informed of the progress.
Happy Quilting,

Friday 10 February 2012

New Video on YouTube

Hi Everyone,
At long last I have my video about putting a large quilt on the small frame available to watch on YouTube.
It requires further editing but I am still working on that!
Thank you to Christine (a "Millie" owner), who lent me the lovely queen size+ quilt top that was used to demonstrate the basting method. The top was started in New Zealand about 15 years ago and done completely by hand.
It took Libbie and I two hours to pin baste it on my "May" frame - 180cm high x 170cm wide (72inches x 68inches approx.)

Happy Quilting,

Tuesday 7 February 2012

New Video

Hi there everyone,
This is a very quick post as I am off to demonstrate Millie today to a lady on Brisbane's Northside (I am happy to do this in the Brisbane area)
I am nearly finished editing my video on how to put a large quilt together on Millie, I had to condense nearly two hours of video down to about ten minutes and I have to still do the voice over.
So I will be working on that in the next few days and hope to have it to you very soon!
Bye for now, happy quilting,

Wednesday 25 January 2012


Hi Everyone,
Well the Queensland School Christmas Holidays are over and my young ones are back to school!!! Hubby is at work, I can now devote more time to my other love, my frame "Millie".
I have started advertising in the USA with Fons and Porter (Easy Quilts).
I am reviewing my packaging to attempt to lower freight costs internationally.
If anyone would like to place a bulk order (freight per item is cheaper that way) drop me an email!
I can now finish editing my lastest video on how to put a Queen sized quilt together on the basic frame (worked really well - there are a couple of tricky parts to get around) 
Thank you to all my customers who have sent me emails saying what it is about "Millie" that you like, I will have to contact you for permission to add your comments to a Blog posting.
Thank you also to those  who have emailed me to say that you like "Millie" and think it is a great idea.
Happy Quilting.