Thursday 10 November 2011

Mulberry Millie International.

Hi Everyone,

I have a number of international customers who have enquired about buying a "Millie"; the freight is expensive.
Therefore I am looking  to sell in bulk or licence "Millie" overseas.
If anyone is interested in purchasing in bulk or Licencing please contact me.
Happy Quilting,

"Tassie Millie"

Hi Everyone,

This is a very brief post to let you know that a "Millie" is on her way to her new home in Tasmania!
This is very exciting for me, I now have a "Millie" in all but one state of Australia.
And one in the USA!!

Queensland, New South Wales, Canberra, Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia and now Tasmania all have at least one  "Millie", that just leaves the Northern Territory.
The first completed order from the Northern Territory will receive the fabric to make a Design Wall!!!

Don't forget that a number of  suppliers will close down over Christmas and New Year so there may be delays in filling orders for frames if I run out of material to make "Millie" and have to wait til the suppliers reopen in the New Year.
If it's a Christmas present you are after get in early to avoid disappointment.
Happy Quilting,

Thursday 3 November 2011

Handy Hint for remembering what needle you have in your Sewing Machine.

Hi Everyone,

I have placed my first general sewing handy hint on YouTube if you would like to have a look follow the above link.
Happy Quilting,


PS I am busy filling orders from the Craft and Quilt Fair.
Will get that video about basting a large quilt out when I can.